Friday, 27 November 2015

Post Paris attacks Israel has a firmer grip over the world:India their next destination
Post Paris attacks Israel has a firmer grip over the world: India their next destination

[ Delhi-Sohail Siddiqui] Who has benefited from the inhuman killings in Paris attacks of 13/11? … none but the state of Israel and its agenda of Islamophobia. The losers are the Muslim people world over and their peaceful religion of Islam which have been the targets of such terror attacks.

The grand celebrations by fascist Anti-Muslim rulers of France paid tributes to the victims of 13/11 terror attacks in Paris as reported by Reuters News a Zionist tool of the Israeli’s.,this news was carried in toto by BJP funded online news website The First Post in India [ France pays tribute to victims of Paris attacks | Reuters ] .The perusal of this news report makes it clear how the innocent victims death is being used politically by French rulers to consolidate French citizens against Muslims and Islam.The repeated use of "Islamist gunmen,militants" by Reuters points towards this course…when who were behind this dastardly inhuman act still shrouds in mystery.The last years Charlie Hebdo killings of 17 were too initially blamed on Muslim terrorists,but subsequently it was convincingly proven that it was the work of right wing forces in France to polarize France, hence a False flag terror blaming Muslims and Islam.

Why Israel is behind this ?

The inhuman butchering of 130 youths in Paris attacks has given the handle to Islamophobes to revive hate agenda against Muslims and Islam a pet agenda of Zionist Israelis, who a year back were themselves most hated in Europe post their inhuman bombing of thousands of Palestinians in GAZA which included kids going to schools and in hospitals.Entire Europe was so infuriated by IDF air raids on unarmed civilians in GAZA that they moved UNSC for action against Israel for punishment. Netanyahu since then has not only won elections in Israel but has managed to buildup hate support against Iran and has again won support of European countries post Paris false flag attacks on 13/11.The Israeli’s have again set through these flag flag terror attacks the global agenda that the world has only one threat that is from Islamic terror and like post 9/11 Islamophobia again has been revived.Nations which were voting against Israel labeling it as the only terror state of the world and the factor which is responsible for all the terror on the planet, today are again co-operating with Israel in spreading global hate against Muslim people and the peaceful religion of Islam.

Gaza under IDF aerial bombardment last year resulting in killing 3000 plus Palestinians mainly children,sick,women and old
Islamohobia 24×7

The successful Islamophobes in the recent years have again been engaged by Zionists and new one have again cropped up.Earlier paid supporters of Zionists were made to burn copies of Quran/Koran to spread hate and Islamophobia, blasphemous films on Prophet Muhammed were released on internet, Cartoons were made to make fun of the Prophet Muhammed and now selfies the latest mobile tool are being made to spread age old propaganda against the Prophet Muhammed of Islam who was not only a Prophet of Muslims but for the entire world. 

A selfie video has gone viral which carries blasphemous propaganda of the Islamophobes from centuries.An unknowm woman has been claimed to have uploaded her views in English but as in the case of burning of Quran by an American man this woman too shortly herself revert to Islam…[Inshaallah].

India the target of Islamophobes

With baby Modi’s growing in France using Islamophobia to get quick success in capturing political power the trend has become a viral globally but the most effected country on the globe is going to India.The entire world has united under Israeli Zionists to convert India into their ally only to boost their sinking economies,they cannot afford to let India off their hook.For this despite clear verdict in the recent elections in Bihar against Modi governments economic and social policies, the Zionist MNC’s are making it sure that India sticks to the policies of "reforms and liberalization", for this even Sonia Gandhi led UPA is supporting "Intolerant forces" under UPA.India occupies a special place in Israeli agenda as it is clear , last year when the entire world was condemning Israels bombardment of unarmed Palestinian civilians in GAZA , the Indian upper house in the parliament which a majority of Sonia Gandhi led UPA co-operated with Modi government in not letting the resolution against Israel to be adopted by Rajya Sabha.Why not Sonia Gandhi is co-operating ? because Israel wants it ?

Tea Invitation and Indian Corporate media promoting Islamohobia

Corporate Malai mey Congress BJP bhai bhai - Brahman Bania parties one in selling India to corporate’s … GST is anti-poor anti-people legislation and a way to make loot of India easier for MNC Raj…in the name of reforms since 1991…see what the Finance Minister Arun Jaitely in the interview admits…it is really surprising the PM who keeps silent on Intolerance and embeds Fascism invites Sonia and Manmohan Singh on tea for setting the agenda for sale of India.True BJP and Congress are two sides of the same coin.—- If Congress leaders have some respect for the victims of the intolerance they must shun this TEA meeting WITH POGROMIST PM MODI and shun their baby the GST bill ,—-

Fresh Islamophobia appears in Indian corporate media post France’s Israeli false flag terror attack in Paris…diverting the Modi governments total rejection in Bihar by Indian voters.The same Economic Times which was carrying unbiased news post Dadri Akhlaq attack by fascist ideology agents of Modi government has taken a U turn and is carrying a campaign against those who have returned their awards as a protest to government supporting hate agenda and intolerance.Even hilarious handouts by Doval against Pakistan are being carried as it is in Economic Times…why does an Economic newspaper need to support anti-Muslim fascist propaganda ..? The global corporate’s operating under Zionist Israeli policies in India and world over are helping Modi to build up again on the Islamohobia which had temporarily drowned in Bihar…In the name of Tolerance and Intolerance the RSS / Zionists are rebuilding hate agenda in the country with full state support…attack on Aamir Khans candid admission on Intolerance in the country and subsequent sponsored reaction against him proves my fear.Even Anupam Kher ,Ravina Tandon and Jackie Shorff targeting Aamir have been BJP’s paid actors during election campaigns in the past.But the hopeful part is the awakening of the educated Indian who have read through the BJP/RSS game.It is a matter of days that some thing big like false flag terror attack can be conducted by Mossad to help Modi and the fascist build up Islamophobia and target opponents and Muslims for such sponsored attacks.May be even an attack on Pakistan ….? on Zionist’s target

My facebook account and my fringe website is been under increasing attack since I have been promoting the left forces ideologically against the fascist forces in India.Some how the Brahman-Bania parties are allergic to the idea of Mullah - leftist alliance to eradicate poverty and human sufferings all over the world.Even fat big Mullah’s having patronage from Brahman-Bania parties have been in the recent past making complaints against this line of unity of left and Muslims in India against these parties.I have been under target for promoting #Occupy-UGC,which has become a National movement.The state sponsored Muslim agents are feeling insecure …hence pushing for status co of their hold on community.In this bid they are again embedding the UPA/NDA on the Zionist terms under the pressure of Islamophobia…. My reading of the Indian political situation is very clear if Israel [ RSS , Modi led BJP and Communal fascism ] has to be dumped out of our country we all must embed the left forces in the country which have been fighting them on every nook and corner of India.The Israeli grip post Paris attacks is getting firmer and in India with Modi’s visit to Israel due shortly this will be enhanced, we all need to put a break to this immoral partnership.


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